Audio MP3 Books / Audiobooks with Resell Rights

Audio books, or audio ebooks generally come in MP3 format and can be played on any mp3 player like iPod. The audio books here are in a variety of categories like business, marketing, and all kinds of niche categories like dog training, jazz dancing or diet planning. All have resale rights included, so you can easily resell them after purchase. Here you'll also find some exclusive Private Label Rights audio books or PLR audio books.

The Warrior Mindset [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : ABSC6491WMV4
Facebook Ads Authority [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : ABRS7526FAV5
The Running Manual [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : ABRS3571TRV
Green Smoothie Lifestyle (+Audio)
Product ID : ABNZ9829GSA2
YouTube Celebrity - Videos & eBook
Product ID : ABRS1538YCV
Eating Healthy [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : ABRS2549EHV9
Facebook Live Authority (Videos & eBook)
Product ID : ABRS8423FLV2
Bing To Win - Videos & eBook
Product ID : ABNZ6319BTV2