Private Label (rebrandable) Videos

The difference between Private Label Videos, and all other videos is that you can claim full authorship to the "PLR" versions. So if you want to provide a free video course, or video training on your own website, or want to resell, and rebrand the videos with your own website, or business information, you can do so with these products. In short, you do not have to advertise the original author in any way if you so choose.

Check more items from video search result and main vidoes category.

For more information on "Private Label Rights" please visit our free knowledgebase for some FAQ's on PLR -
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Flock Browser Video Tutorials (PLR)
Learn how to install and use Flock, one of the internets fastest growing web browsers.
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WordPress Design - Video Seres (PLR)
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Drupal Samurai - Membership Video Course (PLR)
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