Audio MP3 Books / Audiobooks with Resell Rights

Audio books, or audio ebooks generally come in MP3 format and can be played on any mp3 player like iPod. The audio books here are in a variety of categories like business, marketing, and all kinds of niche categories like dog training, jazz dancing or diet planning. All have resale rights included, so you can easily resell them after purchase. Here you'll also find some exclusive Private Label Rights audio books or PLR audio books.

Traffic Mayhem - eBook and Audio (PLR)
Product ID : TRA492
Learn How You Can Direct 1 Million Free Visitors To Your Website.
How to Win in the Niche - eBook and Audio
Product ID : HWN658
Do You Really Think That You Know About Making Money In Niche Marketing?
Unstoppable Product Creation - eBook and Audio
Product ID : UNS548
Discover How to Create Profit-Generating Info-Products WITHOUT Creating the Actual Product Using these 10 Tested and...
Web Video Marketing Revealed - eBook and Audio
Product ID : WMV450
Discover How You Can Maximize Your Online Profits By Harnessing The Incredible Power Of Marketing With Internet Videos!
5 Traits to Success - eBook and Audio (PLR)
Product ID : PLR1143
There are a few - just a VERY few'traits that a person must cultivate and develop in their lives before they can even...
7 PLR Marketing Audio eBooks2 (PLR)
Product ID : PLR1120
Manifest Genius Results With These Audio Reports And 240 Top Tips To Marketing Success.
6 Marketing PLR Audio eBooks (PLR)
Product ID : PLR1119
You're About To Access 6 Brand New Audio Reports You Can Turn Into Cash In The Next 10 Minutes.
Confessions of an Internet Millionaire - Audio Interview
Product ID : CON503
True Story of How A Middle-Aged Used Car Salesman Rejected His Destiny, Threw Away His High-Paying Job And Battled All...
Internet Marketing Head Start - Audios (PLR)
Product ID : PLR1104
Learn Internet Marketing Through The Comfort And Convenience Of Head Start Audios!