Personal Niche eBooks and More - PLR and Others

Niche products, with private label rights (PLR) or master resale rights, are usually very genre specific, with categories like, Health, Beauty, Sports, Games, Personal Finance, Self Improvement, Family, and many more.

If you have a website that is industry specific relating to a niche market, these are great upsellers, or even bonus gifts to your customers, or subscribers. A great way to build customer loyatly. Focus on "PLR" (private label rights) products where possible, you can add your own company name to these products.

If you new to selling digital niche products, you should visit our ever growing knowledgebase for tips. Click Here (opens a new window)

Product IDProduct Name Price  
Heal Yourself with Tui Na
Many People Are Not Aware Of All The Different Forms Available For Healing!
Heal Yourslelf with Psychotherapy
Many People Are Not Aware Of All The Different Forms Available For Healing!
Simple Car Care TIps and Tricks
Make Your Car Last Longer with Some Simple Do It Yourself Tips.
How to Become an Alpha Male (PLR)
How an average guy can go from wall hugging wannabe to stud.
For Sale by Owner (PLR)
Sell your home without a real esate agent.
Surviving Divorce (PLR)
Some simple tips to help you make it through your divorce.
Yin and Yang Polarities
Introduction To Yin And Yang
Reiki 101
All the basicsd to Reiki.
Meditation Mystery and Mastery
Health is among the best (If not Your best) niche to get involved in. There are 1000000s of net surfers and potential...