How it Works offers products that are written, produced, and/or created by independent authors for your own personal use, with resell rights, master resale rights, or private label rights. (See these rights explained in detail here)
When you purchase our products for resale, you are given certain rights to each product to resell them yourself, and you may, in turn, keep 100% of all profits you ever earn...for life! You will never owe any profits back to Resale Enterprises on that product, once purchased.
Our products come in digital format, meaning they are in the form of ebooks, software, videos, graphics, or basically any product that can be downloaded to your own computer.
Since our products are digital, you are not required to buy a new resellers license every time you sell the product. You only have to pay once, and you can keep selling the products forever. There are no limits to the number of times you can sell our products.
You are free to sell our PLR or resale products as digital downloads or you may offer them to you customers on CD, or DVD as well. You can sell them on your website, blog, via email marketing... just about anyway you can think of. (Need a storefront to sell our products from? Click here)
Products that may be customized (edited) by you are known as "Private Label Rights" products, or "PLR". These products have been ghost produced by independent authors, who are allowing you to add yourself as the author, and they are giving you full claims to authorship of the product. (See PLR products here)
If you would like further assistance, please feel free to contact us at, and we will do our best to help you.