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Product ID : PLR1226
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- Download File Size - 2,887Kb
- eBook Format - PDF, DOC (source)
- Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
- Number of Pages 33
- Release Date - 2006-2008
- Suggested Retail Price - $27.00
Product Summary
Have you ever dreamt or imagined that's its possible to make money even when you are relaxed & fast asleep in your bed? Well it's true! And, we can help you make those dreams or thoughts a reality with our new explosive Ebook "7 Easy Ways To Make Big Money While You Sleep!".
Inside you will find it jammed packed with money making ideas & everything you need to make it happen! It fully reveals over 7 BOOM money-makers you can get into right now no matter what your current position/job/etc... in life is!!
So what have you got to loose? NOTHING! Don't wait any longer. Get this revealing eBook today.
Getting On The Road To Financial Freedom First Starts With Believing In YOURSELF!
This eBook is over 30 pages in size & delivers the "punch" revealing the exact simple money-making secrets many ordinary, successful individuals are using every day to make money in they're sleep.
We show you the exact methods and sources they go to! We could easily sell this info for $67, $77, $97 or even more! But all we are asking today is a small investment of just $27. We are willing to invest in you because we're certain once you read our ebook and apply its proven methods to your own life, you will become rich & successful... and soon you will also discover what we mean by,
Discover Extremely Profitable Secrets Like...
- Discover the DIFFERENCE between "US" and the Rich! Learn how the rich make their money and how they significantly grow their fortunes each year.
- Learn how to start with less than a $1000 and grow a "Desk Top Business". Even without a computer you can still make a small fortune. I show you a simple plan to get $500 a day in your mail box.
- Become a permanent tourist! Yes! you really can go on a permanent vacation. Learn the benifits of living and working abroad. A whole new way of life exists that can help break free from your present day restrictions
- Start your own online empire without owning a web site or even having your own product! Thats right you can make money online without having to spend thousands of dollars building fancy web sites or waste your time trying to learn HTML and graphic design.
- How to live with money and how to get more of it, then look after it and just forget about it. Don't let money use you. Learn how to put money to work for you. Many of the rich today have made their fortunes from scratch and starting with nothing. How did they really get started?
- Discover 7 ways you can make money while you sleep! I show you what you need to get started and where to source what you need. The knowledge I share with you if applied correctly and everyday will set you and your family's life free to enjoy the extra things you so richly deserve!
- Plus, You Will Learn So Much More!
Reseller Tools
- Includes Sales Page - Yes
- Includes Download Page - Yes
- Other Included Pages - None
- Notable Reseller Extras - None
Distribution Rights
- Resale Rights - Yes
- Master Resale Rights - Yes
- Private Label Rights (PLR) - Yes
- Giveaway Rights - No
- Offered as a Bonus - Yes
- Full Product Copyrights - Yes
- Full Graphic Copyrights - No
- May Modify Product - Yes
- Packaged with Other Products - Yes
- Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
- Added to Free Membership Websites - No
- May Publish Offline - Yes
- May Sell on Auction Websites - Yes
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