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Product ID : ABNS9256WPK4
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- Download File Size - 802 MB
- Video Format - AVI (1280x720), Flash, Mp3, Docx
- Viewing Requirements - Video player (VLC), Flash enabled browser
- Number of Videos - 8
- Release Date - 2016
- Suggested Retail Price - 24.79
Product Summary
Discover how you can quickly and easily plan and set up your very own online membership site based on WordPress.
If you're trying to sell your product online, or you would like to earn recurring incomes,
setting up your very own membership site is crucial to your success.
However, one of the biggest problems is that many people don't have access to a
membership script that will allow them to complete what they want to do,
and this is often because they cost a lot to run...
You don't have to worry right now about how you're going to do it but what
you're going to do, because I will talk about the process.
We're going to discuss different WordPress membership plugins
that are available to you, and I'll show you the ones that we have looked at,
the ones we have tested and the ones that we have found to be really, really
user-friendly and makes things look good.
We're going to
talk about accessing, install it and customizing it and getting started.
We're going to talk about creating a product, creating a membership
site level because that's crucial and that's the structure or skeleton if you
can think of that way of your site.
You'll also learn about content and file protection
because obviously, you want to make sure that you protect your content, your
files from people who have not paid for your product and that essentially also
protects your customers as well.
We're going to do everything that we can to show you
how to go from that point of content and file protection to actually setting
everything up so that you're good to go. These videos right here will primarily
be screen capture based, you'll be able to follow me step-by-step on the screen...
What You'll Learn:

Before we jump right into creating a WordPress membership site, we want to begin by introducing you to the video course as a whole. There's lots to discuss regarding how to get into the right mindset so that you can successfully implement everything that you have learned.

I know by now that you want to jump straight in to creating your WordPress membership site. But before you do that, we want to make sure that we set it up correctly, right? To do this, you will need to map out how your visitors will see your content, your video course, your eBook, your software, or whatever digital product you are trying to sell - first.

Once you have completed the task in video number two, you will finalize the mapping process in this particular video. We will map it out using flow-chart software, which will allow you to actually see what your site will look like. Once you have completed this process, you will be one step closer to success, and implementing and setting up your WordPress sites will become a whole lot faster.

Now that you understand how your membership site looks, it's time to talk about different WordPress membership plug-ins that are available to you. This is in case you decide not to use the one that we have included. At the same time, we will discuss why we chose the one that is included and why we recommend that you use it as well.

In this specific video and the rest until the end of this video course, you'll be shown how to access this WordPress plug-in, how to install it correctly, and how to get things configured correctly.

Once you have configured your settings, it's time to set up your membership levels. This is a crucial process because it allows you to set up the skeleton or structure of your whole site.

Next, this video will show you how to protect your content so that only paying customers will have access to it. Even more, you can also have it protected from people who have prying eyes.

Congratulations - you have reached the end of this video course at this moment in time. This video will show you everything you need to know to finish up with your membership site and be in a position to receive recurring revenues on autopilot.
And Much More!
Reseller Tools
- Includes Sales Page - Yes
- Includes Download Page - Yes
- Other Included Pages - Sales Page Promo Video, Transcripts, Mp3 Audio
- Notable Reseller Extras - Graphics, Sales Letters in PDF and DOC
Distribution Rights
- Resale Rights - Yes
- Master Resale Rights - Yes (after editing)
- Private Label Rights - Yes (non-transferable)
- Giveaway Rights - No
- Offered as a Bonus - Yes
- Full Product Copyrights - No
- Full Graphic Copyrights - No
- May Modify Product - Yes
- Packaged with Other Products - Yes
- Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
- Added to Free Membership Websites - No
- May Publish Offline - Yes
- May Sell on Auction Websites - No
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