Coaching Authority (Videos & eBook)

Coaching Authority (Videos & eBook)
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  • Download File Size - 104 MB
  • Video Format - MP4
  • Viewing Requirements - Any Video Player
  • Number of Videos / Audios - 10
  • eBook Format - PDF
  • Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
  • Number of Pages - 66
  • Release Date - 2016
  • Suggested Retail Price - 19.85

Product Summary

Learn how to establish a successful coaching business and enjoy one of the most rewarding careers that a person could have.

When you launching your coaching business for the first time, it can be terrifying. Even though you know that you have some good information to share, and know what you are doing, there is still the period of doubt that everyone faces. Am I good enough to coach others? Do I have something they haven't seen before? How can I convince them to hire me? All of these questions are perfectly natural and everyone has them when they start out.

What you need to remember is that you got into this business for a reason, and after you have a couple of sessions under your belt, those doubts will pass ñ or at least go hide in the corner, out of sight for a while. If you have done your homework and you know that you have something truly valuable to teach others, there is no reason to be nervous.

This guide will give you some specific things that you can do to improve your chances of getting hired and describe some of the mistakes that people sometimes make when they are new to the world of coaching. But the most important thing that you can do to get hired is simply to believe in yourself. Do that and your clients will believe in you too.

Obviously, this book will not teach you everything you need to know about becoming a life (or any other topic) coach because the industry is so encompassing, and so widely varied, that it would take an entire library to teach you everything...

Most of all, you should have the ability to see your coaching business as a reality and not through the rose-colored glasses that every new business owner puts on. Creating realistic goals and reaching them is what will allow your business to be successful over the long-term and make clients want to come back to you for additional sessions or recommend you to their friends and family members.

Becoming a life coach is one of the most rewarding careers that a person could have. Rarely, do you get to see the results right away when you help someone in your life, and even rarer is the ability to make money while helping out many different people.

What You'll Learn
  • Introduction And What You Will Learn
  • What Is Coaching? Why Do People Hire Coaches?
  • Some Facts About Coaching
  • What This Book Will Teach You
  • Can Be An Added Benefit For Your Customers
  • Why People Hire Coaches
  • What Niches Are Best For Coaching?
  • How Is Online Coaching Done?
  • How Much Should I Charge?
  • Individual One-On-One Coaching
  • When To Do One-On-One Coaching
  • The Advantages Of One-On-One Coaching
  • The Disadvantages Of One-On-One Coaching
  • How To Do One-On-One Coaching
  • Don'T Become An Employee Of The Client
  • What Is Group Coaching?
  • Deciding On Whether Or Not To Do Group Coaching
  • Advantages Of Group Coaching
  • Disadvantages Of Group Coaching
  • How To Set Up Group Coaching
  • Facebook Coaching Groups
  • Advantages & Disadvantages FB Group Coaching
  • How To Set Up A Facebook Group
  • Advantages Of Email Coaching
  • Disadvantages Of Email Coaching
  • How To Promote An Email Coaching Business
  • What Is Video-Based Coaching?
  • Pre-Recorded Video-Based Coaching
  • Live Video-Based Coaching
  • How To Do Video-Based Coaching
  • Tips For Better Video-Based Coaching
  • Coaching Clients To A Higher Income
  • What Qualifies You To Coach?
  • How To Increase Your Income
  • How To Coach People To Make More Money
  • How Much Money Can You Earn Coaching?
  • How Much Should You Charge? The Free Trial
  • Life Coaching On The Internet
  • What Kind Of People Need Life Coaching?
  • What Will People Expect From You?
  • Counseling For More Than One Person
  • How To Promote Your Online Coaching Business
  • Becoming The Best Coach You Can Be
  • And Much More!


Product Summary - Videos

You'll learn what coaching is (and isn't) and how you can find your own place in this exciting and potentially lucrative industry.

We'll show you How to merge your existing online business and income streams (books, websites, affiliate products, etc.) with a coaching business so that one can promote the other and vice-versa. You'll understand why people hire coaches in the first place, and have the tools to make people want to hire you over the competition.

You'll know what the different options are when it comes to coaching and be able to choose which style you prefer, or if you prefer to incorporate multiple styles, which ones will best go together.

It is imporatant to learn how to set up rules for coaching and maintain the line between building a coaching relationship with the client and allowing them to get too personal or treat you as an employee instead of a coach. And also, how to specifically do life coaching on the internet as opposed to one-on-one or group counselling sessions in person.

We'll show you how to promote your coaching business to build up your clientele as quickly as possible and start making money so that you can do it fulltime. It will also help you understand the technologies that are available for coaching, both inperson and over the internet, and have the tools to use those technologies in your own practice.

The rules of coaching are fairly simple. First, make your primary goal that your clients are able to achieve things that they wouldn't have been able to reach without your help. Second, give them the tools so that they not only know how to set their goals and work towards them but also reach them with little or no help in the future.

Get these 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll show you how to start your own high-ticket coaching business and charge premium prices for your advice and guidance.


Reseller Tools

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - Optin Page, Mindmap, Resource Cheat Sheet, Articles
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Graphics, Check List, Social Media Images, Email Swipes

Reseller Tools - Video

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes (upsell page)
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - 7-Day Autoreponder Series, Free Report
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Affiliate Toolbox

Distribution Rights

  • Resale Rights - Yes
  • Master Resale Rights - Yes
  • Private Label Rights - No
  • Giveaway Rights - No
  • Offered as a Bonus - Yes
  • Full Product Copyrights - No
  • Full Graphic Copyrights - No
  • May Modify Product - Yes (Sales Page only)
  • Packaged with Other Products - Yes
  • Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
  • Added to Free Membership Websites - No
  • May Publish Offline - No
  • May Sell on Auction Websites - No


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