Classified Ads Site (PHP)

Classified Ads Site (PHP)
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Today's Lower Price: $3.05
Our Wholesale Price: $5.99
You Save: $2.94
Product ID : CAS276
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  • Download File Size - 5,633Kb
  • Software Format - PHP
  • System Requirements - Website w/PHP
  • Software Version - 1.0
  • Release Date - 2008
  • Suggested Retail Price - $17.00

Product Summary

This classified ad site is a paid service site, you determine your prices via the site admin area.

All users who register for the site are pending until they purchase an ad package. Once they purchase an ad package they will become active until their ad expires.

They can always log into their account to add more packages at a later date.

If you would like to offer a free ad for your customers you will need to do it manually.

This is so people do not abuse the website.

To give members a free ad, login to the siteadmin and find the pending member and click on them. Next hit edit. Under edit you are going to click on activate. A new screen will load allowing you to pick a package for this member. After you have selected the package, the member will get an email notifying them of the package and when it expires.

For paying customers, this site uses PayPal and stormpay's IPN system so adding credits via the payment processors is automated.

Reseller Tools

  • Includes Sales Page - No
  • Includes Download Page - No
  • Other Included Pages - None
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Install Guide Included

Distribution Rights

  • Resale Rights - Yes
  • Master Resale Rights - Yes
  • Private Label Rights - No
  • Giveaway Rights - No
  • Offered as a Bonus - Yes
  • Full Product Copyrights - No
  • Full Graphic Copyrights - No
  • May Modify Product - No
  • Packaged with Other Products - No
  • Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
  • Added to Free Membership Websites - No
  • May Publish Offline - No
  • May Sell on Auction Websites - Yes


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