List Building Catapult - Video Course (PLR)

List Building Catapult - Video Course (PLR)
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Product ID : ABNZ5039LBC2
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  • Download File Size - 1.06 GB
  • Video Format - AVI (1280x720), Flash, Mp3, Docx
  • Viewing Requirements - Video player (VLC), Flash enabled browser
  • Number of Videos - 9
  • Release Date - 2016
  • Suggested Retail Price - 24.49

Product Summary

Learn the concept and planning process of building your own profitable list, and how to finally implement it the right way.

Time and time again have I seen people jump in and try to build a list and fail. Thus, knowing your plan of attack before attacking is key. You can see the video course is laid out - concept, planning, implementation. And the reason for that is to help you understand - okay, here's your plan of attack and now you can attack. So I'm going to do my best to show you different ways of planning, so that you can see all the way from point A to at least close to point Z. If you can do that, you'll be able to succeed at a faster rate. The mindset here is plan first, don't jump.

If you're focused on the quality over the quantity, you're focused on the direction and the proper direction before you jump. If you have that urge to jump right now, because you foresee that this list will bring you lots of money. Don't think about the money first, think about the purpose, think about helping people and then the money will follow...

And I want you trust me on that, because time and time again, this is how successful businesses are built. Think about helping people and then think about the money later. The money will actually follow the helping people. If you think about the money first, then actually, it will hurt you. I have seen people fail because of that mindset. Yes, it works. It's a short-term mindset. But it will not take you far.

In this step-by-step 9-part video series, I'm going to show you show you the secrets of building a profitable list and catapulting your list growth - even if you don't have a list now.

What You'll Learn:
Video #1 - Introduction
Before we dive in, it's very important to be in the right mindset. Time and time again I have seen people jump in and try to build a list and fail. This is because they were not in the right mindset nor did they do the proper planning, so I want to do it differently here and make sure that you do not take their path to failure. So, we will be giving you a quick overview of the video course itself so you know exactly what to expect. And we will talk about what you need to have in hand before you get started.

Video #2 - Finding Your List Purpose
Not sure of what purpose you want to create your list based on? Finding your list purpose is crucial. You might think that this is super easy to do, but if you don't find the very specific purpose of it then you are likely to put your list profit on standstill. You'll learn some techniques that you can use to brainstorm and find the best purpose to surround your list.

Video #3 - Must Avoid These
Here are a couple things that you should avoid doing because they will dramatically decrease your list conversions. The reason why we need to cover this is because a lot of people, after they have built their list, wonder why in the world their list is not converting into sales or actions. As such, that's what we will be covering in this particular video.

Video #4 - Automated Trust Building
In this particular video we will discuss how to build a relationship with your list. Fortunately, because you are building a list via an autoresponder series, you will be able to automate your relationship and build trust automatically.

Video #5 - Recommended Autoresponders
In order to build a list, you will need two things. You will first need an autoresponder service, and secondly you will need to have a landing page creator. In this particular video we will discuss autoresponders that we highly recommend, which we have tested and had success with.

Video #6 - Recommended Landing Page Creators
As I said in the previous video, in order to build a list you need an autoresponder and landing page creator. Once we have resolved this in the previous video, the last thing you will need is a landing page creator. In this particular video we will discuss different landing page creators that we highly recommend.

Video #7 - Set Up Your Autoresponder
Once you have chosen your autoresponder series and your landing page creator, it's time to focus on setting things up. Therefore, in this particular video we will talk about how to set up your list, your autoresponder series and your web form, and how to utilize the broadcasting system.

Video #8 - Set Up Your Landing Page
Now, in this particular video we will discuss how to set up your landing page. This page is crucial and must include particular elements within it so that it can increase your conversions.

Video #9 - Connect Your Autoresponder to Your Landing Page
Congratulations - you have reached the end of this video course! It's time to connect the autoresponder to your landing page that you have created. Once you have connected these two you can begin to drive traffic to it and automate the relationship and trust-building process, which is crucial to the growth of your business.

And Much More!


Reseller Tools

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - Sales Video Demo, Transcripts, Mp3
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Graphics, Sales Letters in PDF and DOC

Distribution Rights

  • Resale Rights - Yes
  • Master Resale Rights - Yes (after editing)
  • Private Label Rights - Yes (non-transferable)
  • Giveaway Rights - No
  • Offered as a Bonus - Yes
  • Full Product Copyrights - No
  • Full Graphic Copyrights - No
  • May Modify Product - Yes
  • Packaged with Other Products - Yes
  • Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
  • Added to Free Membership Websites - No
  • May Publish Offline - Yes
  • May Sell on Auction Websites - No

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