WSO Blueprint - Video Course

WSO Blueprint - Video Course
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  • Download File Size - 119,586Kb
  • Video Format - MP4
  • Viewing Requirements - Any MP4 Player
  • Number of Videos - 16
  • Runtime - 190+ minutes
  • Release Date - 2012
  • Suggested Retail Price - 47.00

Product Summary

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 Module # 1 - How to Create a Product in One Day That's Practically Guaranteed to Sell

It doesn't matter how good your sales copy is...if you pick the wrong topic, you will fail miserably! Pick the right topic and you can make a huge profit (even if your sales copy sucks).

Here's what you'll discover the product creation module:

  • 6 types of products that are proven best sellers - almost anyone can create one of these in a day...
  • 3 "intelligence gathering" websites that will have product ideas flowing to your brain like a river to the sea...
  • A 10-minute trick that will drastically reduce refunds, build your reputation, and increase sales on your next WSO...
  • 4 ways positioning tactics that will make your product to stand out from the crowd and bury the competition...
  • The best types of bonuses you can use to add urgency to the offer and make people want to buy right now!
  • How to outsource your project and get exactly what you want (plus a little-know secret for getting up to 40 hours of virtual work for free!)

Once you have a product that you know will sell, it's time to write the sales copy...

Module # 2 - My Simple 9-Step Formula for Writing WSO Sales Copy That Sizzles

A Warrior Special Offer is a little different from a traditional sales letter because it's displayed inside a forum. I'll walk you through the steps to writing high-converting offers and I'll give you the template I use knock out WSO copy in two hours or less...

In this module, you'll discover:

  • 3 crucial hooks you must include in your headline to grab attention and make them look at your offer...
  • The best types of proof elements and how to "borrow" proof if you don't have any...
  • The best place to add your testimonials as they come in (this is totally unorthodox to every world-class copywriter)
  • 3 psychological triggers that will make your customers feel almost guilty for getting such a good deal...
  • Why you should edit your offer every few hours and what to change to keep the sales pouring in...
  • How to write thread titles that stand out from the crowd and get thousands of views...

167,677 views on my first WSO and 9,573 on my mom's...

Once you follow my formula for writing riveting sales copy, you need to set up a sales funnel...

Module # 3 - Set Up a Sales Funnel That Can Easily Double Your Profits Within 7 Days

If you want to build a list of buyers and maximize your profits, here's what you need to know:

  • Why Warrior+ is still the #1 best place to launch your WSO (hint: the only place you can sell product is in the Warrior Forum)
  • How to add people to a buyers list and remove them from your prospect list automatically...
  • A proven upsell method that's hard to resist but doesn't leave your customers feeling like they have to buy to make your system work...
  • 2 on-page "bumps" that can double your up-front profits and only take about an hour each to set up...

Module # 4 - Strategically Pre-Launch Your Offer and Get Hundreds of JV Partners to Mail for You

This is actually my favorite part of a product launch! Here's why...

We sit here staring at the computer screen, working our butts off day after day to create something of value for the Internet community...with no social interaction at all (if you stay focused on the goal). The most fun is when the product is finished, the sales pages are done and tested, and the JV signup page is live!

That's when we can finally go out and get social! Go crazy! Contact everyone you know in the Warrior Forum, Skype, Facebook, and of course, your list!

Here's what I'll teach you in this module:

  • How to set up a JV contest and give away $1,000 or more without ANY risk whatsoever...
  • 3 additional incentives that you can offer your affiliates that won't cost you a penny...
  • How much commission you should pay and why breaking even or even losing money on your front-end offer can still pay off big time in the end...
  • The Warrior Forum is a goldmine for recruiting affiliates...but if you make this mistake, you could get yourself banned!
  • How to approach marketers in the Warrior Forum without violating any terms...
  • A simple 2-minute tweak that promotes your WSO on every thread you've started and every post you've ever made!
  • How to set up a viral contest to generate pre-launch buzz in the marketplace (this is brand new stuff and almost nobody is doing this)

Module # 5 - Critically Important Tasks That You Must Complete During and After the Launch

If you think it's over after everything is set up, you're fooling yourself. There's nothing you have to do that's overly technical or difficult to implement. But if you don't get this part right, you could end up with negative comments and a support nightmare...

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • 3 keys that you have to turn simultaneously to open the floodgates to your WSO (hint: you'll need 3 different browser windows open to pull this off)
  • 3 components that you have to test before going live (get this wrong and your PayPal account will look like a ghost town)
  • The best time to launch and when to pay for your thread so you can actually go live when you said you would...
  • How to handle comments and PMs and what to do about pessimistic idiots that try to crash the party...
  • 3 simple tactics that will keep the sales coming in that only take 2 minutes to implement...
  • How to get your affiliates to mail for you again and again during the heat of the launch (hint: it's a genetic defect that most people have)
  • 4 ways to make even more money after the launch (most people don't even consider this...but a WSO is just the beginning)

I've taken a complicated and overwhelming process and simplified it into a step-by-step blueprint that anyone can follow and launch a successful WSO. But there's so much clear and actionable information in this course, you might be thinking..

Reseller Tools

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - Affiliate Page, Terms Page
  • Notable Reseller Extras - PSD Graphics (source), Audio Version Included, Video Transcripts Included

Distribution Rights

  • Resale Rights - Yes
  • Master Resale Rights - Yes
  • Private Label Rights - No
  • Giveaway Rights - No
  • Offered as a Bonus - NO
  • Full Product Copyrights - Yes
  • Full Graphic Copyrights - No
  • May Modify Videos - Yes
  • Packaged with Other Products - Yes
  • Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
  • Added to Free Membership Websites - No
  • May Publish Offline - No
  • May Sell on Auction Websites - No

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