Gaining Weight 101 (PLR)

Gaining Weight 101 (PLR)
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Product ID : PLR1539
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File Size (Zipped):3,298Kb
eBook Format:Adobe PDF, and MS Word Documents
System Requirements:Adobe Reader, MS Word (or Equivalent)
Number Pages:37
Salespage:Included (see above screenshot)
Download Page:Not Included
Extra Pages:Included Graphics (see above screenshot)
Included Graphics:JPG
Cover Graphics:Included - JPG
Salespage Header:Included - JPG
Salespage Footer:Included - JPG
Salespage Background:Included - JPG
Miscellaneous Graphics:Standard salespage graphics
Extras:Complete AdSense Website
Suggested Retail Price:$17.00 USD

Product Summary:

You can add pound after pound of solid muscle to your arms, chest, shoulders, back, abs and legs. You can have the kind of body that turns heads and get a date with any woman you want, every single time. You will never be home alone on a Saturday night, ever again. You can be the guy at the gym that everyone else comes to for advice. You can be attractive, muscular and strong.

For the married guy, you can have your wife fall in love with you in a whole new way. You can bring romance to your relationship that you never knew existed. Your sex life will reach new heights that you never even dreamed of. You can be the fantasy of every woman that sees you.

It’s the eBook Called Gaining Weight 101...

This eBook lays it all out for you. There are no expensive high calorie meal replacement powders or supplement to buy or have to choke down. You won’t have to spend countless hours at the gym (you’ll actually find out why that can defeat the whole purpose). This eBook will give you everything you need to know to add pound after pound of lean, sexy muscle to your arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs and let’s not forget those highly coveted six-pack abs everyone is always talking about.

Gaining Weight 101 Will teach you to work smarter, not harder...

1) Find out why long exhausting workouts may do more harm than good:

Most of the body-building workout and diet regimens out there are designed for the guys that gain muscle and fat easily. They focus on eating less and working out more in order to cut the excess fat from their bodies while adding needed muscle tone. This type of a plan is an absolute disaster for the skinny guy or hard gainer because you already have really low body fat and as you eat less and workout more, your body will take the extra energy it needs to keep up from your muscles. So, you actually LOSE muscle on one of those plans!

Gaining Weight 101! Will teach you how to maximize your workout plan to build huge muscles without burning up more calories than you are consuming so you will gain and not lose weight.

2) By working smarter instead of harder you can continue to have a life while building your body:

The other benefit to working smarter instead of harder is that it allows you to have time to do the other things in life that are important to you. Most guys want to get huge so they can add more enjoyment to their lives and not because they want to spend their entire lives measuring food portions and lifting weights in a smelly gym with a bunch of muscle heads.

Maximizing your workout in minimum time will get you the head-turning results you want and still give you time to enjoy your hard body once you achieve it. Having a healthy, strong body should be an important part of your life, not take over your life.


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