Weight Loss All Star
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Product ID : VIR457
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File Size (Zipped): 41,204Kb
eBook Format: PDF, MS Word
System Requirements: Adobe Reader (or equivalent)
Number Pages: 46
Salespage: Included (see above screenshot)
Download Page: Included (see above screenshot)
Extra Pages: Affiliates page (see above screenshot)
Graphic Format(s): JPG
Cover Graphics: Included
Extras: None
Released/Circulated: 2009
Suggested Retail Price: $37.00 USD


Product Summary:

I created Weight Loss All-Star for all those wanting to lose weight, and keep the weight off. I know how hard it is to do diets and stick with them, and get the motivation to get up and exercise.
But with this guide I will show you how to keep yourself motivate, and a plan that will not only help you lose weight but have you feeling good at the same time.
Let me tell you a little bit of why I started to create a weight lose plan.
Not only did I want to see my children go further in life, I wanted to be able to feel great also.
According to the World Health Organization there are well over 1 billion overweight adults, and out of those 1 billion adults at least 300 million of them die from diabetes, or other diseases caused by being overweight.
Not only did I want to help myself I wanted to help all those that are just like me, or just people that are looking for a weight loss plan that actually works and doesn't just take your money.
With this plan I know I won't save the world from being overweight but I want to cut the numbers in half.
I know if I can do it, anyone can!

After I put this plan into affect I was able to do all the things I wanted to, like go to a beach and actually just wear my trunks, instead of shirts upon shirts.
I felt more comfortable with myself, and at the same time I had more energy to do other things with my family.

Here is a peek inside Weight Loss All Star.....

  • How you gain weight and why some people weight
  • 5 simple daily habits can be the ones placing the spare tire above your waist!
  • Learn why if your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over 30 it means BIG trouble!
  • The two leading causes of death in the U.S and how they're related to obesity!
  • Eight other killer diseases that could plague you if you don't drop that extra mass now!
  • When to and when not to use mind games in the battle to win your ex back
  • Four points to always remember when you set your weight loss goals so you won't push yourself to the limit and develop further problems!
  • Three elements of weight loss that go together and how you can leverage on them to make sure the fat doesn't return!
  • Learn the real ways to losing weight and put all the gimmicks and fads on the backburner.
  • A proven, tried and tested plan for keeping track of your calorie intake everyday - You won't have to starve, you can enjoy your food and still lose weight! 
  • How your metabolism system works and the most effective way to make it burn all those calories for you!
  • The importance of drinking fresh water and how much you should ideally gulp down.
  • Power herbs: Do they really help you burn fat or just a hole in your pocket?
  • The kind of exercises that cause you to hit your slim and trim target faster than expected!

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