The Kaizen Advantage - Videos & eBook

The Kaizen Advantage - Videos & eBook
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  • Download File Size - 87.9 MB
  • Video Format - MP4
  • Viewing Requirements - Any Video Player
  • Audio Format - MP3
  • Number of Videos / Audios - 8
  • eBook Format - PDF
  • Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
  • Number of Pages - 37
  • Release Date - 2016
  • Suggested Retail Price - 17.89

Product Summary

Discover how you can use the power and effectiveness of Kaizen to achieve your goals, no matter what they might be.

To be happy, to make others around them happy, to live life to it's fullest ... These are the top three reasons we seek to continually improve in life. Without happiness, smiling faces around us and living life to the fullest, what type of life would we live?

Today, I would like to introduce you to a little something called kaizen - many of you may have heard of this before, but to some, this may be a foreign word.

Simply put, it is a Japanese management strategy that can be incorporated into all areas of your life, from work situations to personal life issues and the management thereof. Roughly translated, it means Continuous slow improvement, or good change.

Kaizen, is the philosophy of using small steps, or contributions, that work towards a big change, or big picture. It focuses on you and me, the individuals that form part of a small business, corporation and even a country. It encompasses the little things that can be changed by each one of us, on the path to becoming better, healthier, fitter Human Beings.

This is achieved by concentrating and improving on the little things that with time, effort and consistency, add up to a way of life, creating success almost effortlessly. To get to this point, we have to conquer our bad eating habits, cogitating, lack of activity and stress.

We have to take small, but steady steps towards achieving our goals, no matter what they might be! We can use the power and effectiveness of Kaizen, to accomplish all of this.

What You'll Learn
  • Introduction & How To Start?
  • History Of Kaizen And Its Effect In The Real World
  • Impact Of Kaizen In The Real World
  • Different Types Of Kaizen
  • Point Kaizen & System Kaizen
  • Line Kaizen, Plane Kaizen & Cube Kaizen
  • 10 Steps To Success With Kaizen
  • Continue Learning
  • Continue Thinking About How You Can Do Something
  • Eliminate Those Excuses
  • Never Give Up And Never Strive For Perfection
  • Correct The Mistakes
  • Don't Forget About Your Intelligence
  • Challenges Are Learning Opportunities
  • Don't Be Afraid To Ask Why
  • Group Thinking Is A Good Thing
  • Kaizen Is Infinite
  • How To Create A Kaizen Culture In The Home
  • Kaizen Methods & Benefits
  • Personal Kaizen
  • Motivating Yourself
  • Anticipating Obstacles
  • Strengthen Any Potential Weaknesses In Your Plan
  • Be Your Best Self
  • And Much More!


Product Summary - Videos

Today is the Perfect time to put a smile on your face with the power of Kaizen. Slow & continuous improvement is waiting.

No matter what area of your life you were looking to improve, you will be able to use Kaizen in order to make it better. You can utilize it in work, education, and even your social life. The Maiden Advantage will help you look at the big picture and learn how to make it that much better.

If you are a small business owner, then Kaizen can be a huge advantage for you in the future. This allows you to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to organize, and it will help you to get all of your employees involved in the future of your business.

One of the most important lessons in life is that we should always keep learning. Kaizen uses this principle in order to keep people focused and to help you continue with moving forward. Then, you can feel confident that everything that you learn is just another step toward your future.

Get these 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll make you understand the principle of Kaizen and transform your life in every way imaginable.


Reseller Tools

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - Lead Capture, Free Giveaway Report, Articles
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Keywords, Promo Banners

Reseller Tools - Video

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes (upsell page)
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - Animated Flip eBook, Review, InfoGraphic, Legal Pages
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Promotional Email, Social Media Images, Audio Files

Distribution Rights

  • Resale Rights - Yes
  • Master Resale Rights - Yes
  • Private Label Rights - No
  • Giveaway Rights - Yes
  • Offered as a Bonus - Yes
  • Full Product Copyrights - No
  • Full Graphic Copyrights - No
  • May Modify Product - Yes (Sales Page only)
  • Packaged with Other Products - Yes
  • Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
  • Added to Free Membership Websites - Yes
  • May Publish Offline - No
  • May Sell on Auction Websites - No


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