Tennis for Everyone

Tennis for Everyone
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Tennis for Everyone


Are you ready to quickly and easily take your Tennis game to a new level and win more Tennis matches!?


If you are frustrated that other tennis players seem to be able to win so easily then this may be the most important information you will ever receive!

Tennis is an art and a science and, like all true art, it has its basis in scientific methods that must be learned and learned thoroughly for a foundation before the artistic structure of a great tennis game can be constructed.

Every player who hopes to attain a high degree of efficiency should have a clearly defined method of development and adhere to it. They should be certain that it is based on sound principles and, once assured of that, follow it.

In Tennis For Everyone-A Beginners Guide To Tennisyou will learn the fundamentals, such as:

Concentration on the game.

Keeping your eye on the ball.

Foot-work and weight-control.


Court position.

Court generalship or match play.

Tennis psychology.


I began tennis wrong. My strokes were wrong and my viewpoint clouded. I had no early training. No one told me the importance of the fundamentals of the game, such as keeping the eye on the ball or correct body position and footwork. I was given a racquet and allowed to hit the ball. Naturally, like all beginners, I acquired many very serious faults. I worried along with moderate success until I graduated from school, beating some fairly good players, but losing some matches to opponents below my class...So I began to study the reasons why certain shots are missed and others made. Why certain balls are hit so much faster though with less effort than others, and why some players are great while most are only good. I am still studying, but my results to date have resulted in a definite system to be learned, and it is this which I hope to explain to you in my book.

William T. Tilden


Tennis has spread so rapidly that the old idea of class and class game has passed away with so many other ancient, yet snobbish, traditions. Tennis is universally played. Age is not a drawback. Men and woman of sixty are seen daily on the courts enjoying their game as well as boys and girls.

Tennis is a game that pays you dividends all your life. Tennis provides relaxation, excitement, exercise, and pure enjoyment. Tennis is a game worth playing and playing well. It deserves your best, and only by learning it correctly can you give that best. If in my book I help you on your way to fame, I feel amply repaid for all the time spent in analyzing the strokes and tactics I will set before you in these pages.

How much would you pay to get a top tennis coach to work with you and teach you the proper fundamentals of tennis?

You could expect to pay hundreds! For a fraction of that, you can buy a book that will improve your game and teach you even more!


Order now - before your opponents do!