Private Label (PLR) eBooks

Private Label Rights (PLR) ebooks or rebrandable ebooks are the hottest selling resale products on the internet today. With private label rights ebooks aka PLR ebooks, you have the ability to add yourself as the author (if you wish) and sell them. Good for creating backlinks to your website for free viral marketing.

All About Cat Training (PLR)
Completely Train Your Cat..It can be done.
Appetizer Collection (PLR)
150 authentic, savory recipes for appetizers
Article Cash (PLR)
You are about to discover everything you need to know to pump out dozens of high quality articles full of informative and...
Back Pain Revealed (PLR)
Everything you need to know about back pain is included in this special report.
Balance Your Life (PLR)
How Would You Like to Get Control of Your Life? Stop Working Those 80 Hour Weeks. Get To Know Your Family Again.
Be Your Own Doctor (PLR)
Have you reached a point in your life when you started feeling unhealthy? Here are some useful information on how to...
Beating Stress (PLR)
Having problems with stress? Here are some invaluable tips on how to overcome stress and feel revived!
Beautiful Thoughs (PLR)
Brandable version of the original. Add your own name and links to this ebook.
Become a Master Affiliate Marketer (PLR)
Become A Master Affiliate, Quit Your Slave Wage Day Job- and Let A Nice Residual Income Make All Your Dreams Come True.