Private Label (PLR) eBooks

Private Label Rights (PLR) ebooks or rebrandable ebooks are the hottest selling resale products on the internet today. With private label rights ebooks aka PLR ebooks, you have the ability to add yourself as the author (if you wish) and sell them. Good for creating backlinks to your website for free viral marketing.

Ultimate Six Pack Abs System
Do you wish to develop your 6 pack abs as quickly as possible in the comfort of your own home without having to spend...
Ultimate Social Media Plan
This Guide Will Show You How To Use Twitter, Google+, Facebook, YouTube And LinkedIn To Propel Your Business!
Ultimate Web 2.0 Profits Guide (PLR)
Your Complete Guide To Using And Profiting From Web 2.0
Uncover the Secrets of Successful Sales (PLR)
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on the foundations of success and skill in sales does...
Understanding Computer Operating Systems (PLR)
Learn everything you need to know about all operating systems.
Understanding Mind Control (PLR)
Mind Control Tactics Are In Widespread Use. Your Personal Autonomy IS At Risk.
Understanding Viral Marketing (PLR Report)
Learn how you can use viral marketing as a powerful strategy to increase site's traffic and generate continuous sales for...
Understanding Your New Kitten (PLR)
Cat Expert Reveals All The Secrets of Raising a Perfectly Behaved, Healthy, and Happy Cat!
Unleash the Creative New You (PLR)
Who Else Wants to Develop Super Creative Abilities to Generate Highly Innovative Ideas, Solve the Most Difficult Problems...