Running a Safe Online Business - eCourse (PLR)

Running a Safe Online Business - eCourse (PLR)
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Today's Lower Price: $2.54
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Product ID : PLR2015
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File Size (Zipped):5,221Kb
eCourse Format:MS Word, and Text Versions
System Requirements:Autoresponder service
Number Course Days:7
Salespage:Included (see above screenshot)
Download Page:Included (see above screenshot)
Extra Pages:None
Included Graphics:JPG, PSD (Photoshop®)
Cover Graphics:Included
Salespage Header:Included
Salespage Footer:Included
Salespage Background:Included
Miscellaneous Graphics:Standard salespage graphics
Suggested Retail Price:$15.00 USD

Product Summary:


Did you know that there are certain steps that you need to take to ensure that you are Running a Safe Online Business?

On the Internet, it's all too common to see people run there online business and pay very little attention to protecting is from disaster. There are simple things that anyone can do to make sure that their business doesn't, lose money, get shut down or even worse get slapped with legal fines, fees, and possible criminal charges.

In this course you'll be able to provide your subscribers with great information that they can actually use!

You will teach them..

  • The vital steps they need to take immediately to ensure the safety of their online business and why they need to take them as soon as possible!

  • Important information about their online business income tax and deductions that they may not even know about. Even if they aren't making big money just yet!

  • The different types of legal documentation that they must use on their website and why not using it could leave them and their business open for more trouble than they ever imagined possible!

  • Why it's vitally important that they know the products they are selling before they start selling them and how it can hurt them if they don't!

  • The importance of giving their customer a refund as soon as they request it and how it will affect their business if they don't!

  • The risk just isn't worth it!



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