Giveaway Reports

Viral Reports are great traffic generators for your website. 
These reports can be edited in any way, and quite simply these are called reports because they are usually 15 pages or less. They also do not usally come with any type of sales page, but do have a cover graphic.

These little reports can be utilized in a variety of ways like; Given Away to customer who subscribe to your opt-in lists, Passed Around in forums, repository sites, and free venue websites in order to pass around your viral product with your own links inside around the web, a nice gift for visitors and allow them to pass it around as well. This is a wonderful option for free advertising.

For Complete eBook Sized Viral Products (that usually include websites) -
Click Here

Split Testing Secrets (PLR)
Web Hosting Buying Guide
Targeted Traffic Tips
Money Making Resources
Improving Conversion Rates
Hosting a Teleseminar
Goal Setting & Getting Results Series (PLR)
Maximizing Your Business with Facebook (Viral PLR)
Examination Survivals (PLR)