Ghostwriters Private Label eBook Pack

Ghostwriters Private Label eBook Pack
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Today's Lower Price: $7.50
Our Wholesale Price: $14.99
You Save: $7.49
Product ID : PLR922
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File Size (Zipped):34,560Kb
eBook Format(s):Adobe PDF, MS Word Documents
Requirements:Adobe Reader, Text Editor, or MS Word (or Equivalent)
Number eBooks:25
Salespage:Included (see above screenshot)
Download Page:Included (see above screenshot)
Extra pages:None
Included Graphics:JPG, PSD  (Photoshop®)
Cover Graphics:Included - JPG, PSD
Salespage Header:Included - JPG, PSD
Salespage Footer:Included - JPG, PSD
Salespage Background:Included - JPG, PSD
Miscellaneous Graphics:Book covers (see above screenshot)
Suggested Retail Price:$47.00 USD

Package Summary:

Here's what you can do with this package...

You can...

  • Resell this entire package through our affiliate program and keep 75% of the profits on 3 hot offers at the same time (you don't have to do any work this way)!

  • Put your name on these products and edit them in any way that you wish.

  • Pick them apart and create brand new unique products.

  • Break them down into articles, reports, and ecourses.

  • Use them to virally build a highly responsive, massive opt-in list on autopilot!

  • The list goes on and on!


What exactly is included in this package...

Everything you need to get started making money online right now that's what! You can sell this package as is through our affiliate program, or sell each product separately. It's entirely up to you!

26 Niche Products with Private Label Rights!

This exact web site to sell this entire package through our affiliate program so you don't even need your own web site!

A proven sales package with almost every product!

Here's a breakdown of each product...

  1. 37 Best List Building Secrets Exposed - Would You Like To Discover How To Instantly Triple The Size Of Your Opt-in Lists Virtually Overnight Without Breaking The Bank?

  2. 101 Recipes in a Flash - FINALLY! You Can Cook A Professional Delicious Gourmet Meal Lightning Fast, Without Slaving Crazy Hours in Your Kitchen...30 Minutes or Less!

  3. Your Guide To Successfully Setting Goals - Do you want to stop living a so-so life where nothing seems to ever change? Live a life you can be proud of, step-by-step, and on goal at a time!

  4. Healthy Computing - Do you want to know how to stay healthy and fit while working in front of your computer day in and day out?

  5. How to Setup a Family Budget - The Amazing Secret To Creating A Family Budget That Leads You Out Of Debt, Fills Your Savings Accounts, And Escorts You To Your Next Vacation!

  6. Let's Get Organized - Are you pulling your hair out because your life is a disorganized mess... Do you feel like a chicken running around with your head cut off?

  7. 101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination - Are you ready to stop being a slave to procrastination? See how easily you can eliminate procrastination and take back control of your life.

  8. Found Money - 101 Ways To Find Needed Cash When You're Living Paycheck To Paycheck, Strapped For Funds, And Don't Know Who To Turn To...

  9. 101 Tips To Your Child's Bedwetting Forever - Want to know the secret to ending your child's bed wetting? Give me 50 minutes and I will give you a battle plan for beating the habit forever!

  10. Genius' Guide to Online Profits - If You Have Been Struggling With Getting The Hang Of Earning Money Online Your Battle Is Now OVER!"

  11. Beginner's Guide to Lucid Dreaming - Which would you choose? To Fly? To Be an Eagle and Fly? To Walk Through Walls? To Have Superhuman Strength? All these things and more are possible in your dreams with Lucid Dreaming!

  12. 101 Everyday Tips For Loosing 10 Pounds - Studies show that obesity may soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of death in America. Here are 101 ways to loose weight and keep it off!

  13. 101 Tips For Growing And Enjoying Your Own Great Rose Garden - Roses are arguably the most beloved flowers... Are you ready to make your garden the envy of all your neighbors with beautiful roses?

  14. 101 Scrapbooking Tips - If you don't save your memories they may be lost forever. In 5 minutes I will have you so excited about creating your own scrapbook that you will start immediately.

  15. Hot Tips for a Cold Love Life - The Secret To Saving Your Romance From The Edge Of Disaster With 101, Restart The Fire, Couples-In-Love Tips For The Man Or Woman.

  16. Nice Guys Finish First - Discover Why Nice Guys, and Shy Guys are not Doomed to Finish last When it Comes to Women and Relationships.

  17. 101 Tips For Traveling On A Budget - I'm sure you would love to plan your next vacation with the suave insider techniques only a professional travel agent would know.

  18. 62 Ways to Save Money at the Gas Pump - How to save money and conserve gas. The cheap persons way to making the most out of the fuel in your tank!

  19. 101 Legitimate Tips For Boosting Your Credit Score - Here's how you can boost your credit score and repair the financial damage that always seems to be hanging over your head.

  20. Guide to Online Dating and Matchmaking - Secrets of Finding Your 'ONE and ONLY' with Online Dating Services! Anyone that fits your highly detailed list of qualifications that is. Well GOOD.

  21. Player's Guide to Picking up Women - Stop Chasing After Women, and Let the Women Chase You...Learn Proven, Secret Techniques That Will Make Ladies Fall in Love With You Every Single Time!

  22. Your Guide to Setting Goals Successfully - Who Else Wants To Stop Living A So-So Life Where Nothing Seems To Change?" Live A Life You Can Be Proud Of, Step By Step, And One Goal At A Time!

  23. Stop Your Divorce and Save Your Marriage - Suppose You Could Have Saved Your Marriage, but you didn't know where to start. If that's you, than this could be the most important ebook you ever read.

  24. How to Obtain Business Grants - Why Some Grant Applications Almost Always Win A Double Take And Get Approved More Often! How To Write A Winning Grant Application In One Evening!

  25. Holiday Weight Loss Tips - Why Some Grant Applications Almost Always Win A Double Take And Get Approved More Often! How To Write A Winning Grant Application In One Evening!

  26. How to Stop Smoking in a Week - In this eBook you will learn why and how you should stop smoking today! You owe it to yourself and your family to stop smoking today!


Ghostwriter's Inside and Out - The Secrets Pros Use To Crank Out Profit Generating Info Products (Without Writing A Single Word) While Lounging At The Pool!

PayPal Made Simple - This eBook is composed of a series Screenshots that will walk you Step by Step through the entire process of setting up a Paypal "Buy it Now" Button.

Your's FREE, to Use and/or Resell!


Private Label Distribution Rights:
YESSell Private Label Rights
YESClaim Full Authorship
YESSell Master Resale Rights
YESOriginal Package Sales Material Included
YESMay Sell Products Individually
YESEdit/Alter the Sales Materials
YESAdded to Paid Membership Sites
YESAdded to Free Membership Sites
YESCan be Broken Down Into Articles
YESCan be Packaged with Other Products
YESSell at Auction Sites
YESOffered as Free Bonus
NOGiven Away for Free

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