Website Audio for Newbies

Website Audio for Newbies
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Product ID : AWA439
Author/Creator: Liz Tomey
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File Size: 1830Kb Salespage: Included
File Format: Windows.EXE  (installs) Suggest. Retail: $19.95
Requirements: Windows 98+ Version: 1.0
Resale Rights: Master Resell Rights Circa: 2007

Website Audio for Newbie's

"Discover The Secret "Talking Website" Strategy That Sucks The Cash Right Out Of Your Visitors Pockets..."

Does your website talk? If you said no, you could be loosing a small fortune everyday... Audio has the ability to make your website make you 300% MORE money, and now you can add audio to your website in 5 minutes flat... and never pay a monthly fee!

If you are like most people marketing anything on the internet, then chances are you rely heavily on your website to close the sale for you.

The big problem with leaving all the sales to the quality of your website is that not all websites, or sales letters for that mater are created equal!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not claiming to be a master copywriter, or website designer myself. In fact I dread trying to write sales copy as much as you probably do.

I just sit down at my computer and just start telling the story about what my product does and how it can solve a problem the potential buyer may have.

I try to first come up with a headline that grabs the readers attention. Is it going to reel them in? Heck I don't know, to be honest I haven't got the first clue!

I'll give it a shot and if it doesn't do the trick I'll test some other headlines until I start seeing some sales.

Sometimes, to be honest I just don't have time to read 150 pages about copywriting in some course. I just got this hot new product finished and I really need to just make a few sales to pay the bills I racked up creating it. I'll learn to write later when I have time.

For now I am just going to go for it, and keep my fingers crossed...

Do you think this way with your websites? Now the problem with this, is that many times I have put thousands of dollars into developing a new product, only to find it does not sell worth beans. I am sure you have done the same thing as many times as I have.

Now I have my new website up, I've written the sales letter. Now I am going to start advertising like crazy (more money down the drain if it does not close) and the sales will start rolling in right?

WRONG! Boy was I wrong in a big way....Two Thousand in development, another $ 2k in advertising.... Number of sales = 4

Is this due to no one having any interest in my product? I hope not, I thought it was a great idea when I first started developing it...

My guess is more times than not it is my sales letter that is not closing the deal. Maybe it does not describe the product effectively.

Have you ever read a sales letter only to ask your self half way through it, "what are they selling here?" or just plain gotten so bored you stopped reading after the first half page?

Now if your like me you can not afford to spend between $5,000 and $15,000 to have a Michael Fortin, or a Dave Vallaries write your sales letter for you.

Your going to either have to settle for a cheap copywriter that will probably not get your point across, or close any more sales than you will....

Or you can sell your product with streaming audio....

Hummm, stream audio huh.... that sounds technical, and I have a hard enough time even putting up a website.

Well it does not have to be, not anymore anyway...

Now You Can Get Your Message Across Loud And Clear!

"Website Audio For Newbies", software can now do your selling for you.

Yep, you read that correctly, you will no longer have to put so much of the weight of your conversion ratio on your sales letter, or the look of your website.


Now you can let "Website Audio For Newbies"do the selling for you.

"Website Audio For Newbies"is super simple to use...

Step 1 All you need to do is plug your microphone into your PC, choose a name for your audio message, hit the record button and start talking!

Yep, it's as simple as that. Once you have finished recording your greeting, or sales message, just click stop and your half way to having your own streaming audio selling your product for you at a new heart stopping rate!

Once you have recorded your audio, you goto step 2 where you will select a button color to place on your website!

Sound easy? it is.... I had this new software created with ease of use in mind and made sure there are no un-necessary or confusing steps to make it work.

In fact to make it even easier each step has it's own help button whith a pop-up video tutorial that will guide you along every step of the way...

Step 2 Select Your Audio Button color... and click create!

There are no shortage of colors here, we covered every possibility to make sure there will be a color that will match your website!

Step 3 Enter your website FTP user name and password and "Website Audio For Newbies" uploads your new audio file to your website for you!

Yep you read that correctly, This software will upload your new audio message right up to your website for you. No confusion of trying to figure our where your new audio message has been saved to on your computer. You upload it right from the software.

Step 4 Paste a few lines of code that "Website Audio For Newbies" software creates for you into your website.

That's it, you now have the power of audio selling your product from your website for you, 24 hours a day 7 days a week!

You will receive everything you need to start streaming audio from your website in the next 5 minutes!

And you will never pay a monthly fee for this service. Yep, you heard me right, you will pay once and be able to place audio messages on as many websites as you wish forever! And never pay another dime to us for this incredible service!

The good news is that it is NOT $200, NOT $150, or even $100!

You'll be able to sell the "Website Audio For Newbies" software to your customers and keep 100% of the profits. Your resell rights come with a complete website salesletter, and professional graphics for you to promote the "Website Audio For Newbies" software with.


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