Miscellaneous Marketing Audio Books for Resale

Social Media Automation - PLR Video Course
Product ID : LAS9327SMF4
Uncover the secrets of automating your social media presence and enhancing your social media growth.
Affiliate Marketing Gains - Videos & eBook
Product ID : LAS7402AMF4
Discover the proven strategies for making money with affiliate marketing, even if you're starting as a complete beginner.
Metaverse Made Simple [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : LAS1374MSV1
Understand the Metaverse, recognize its future significance and develop the expertise to maximize its potential.
Passive Income Tycoon (Videos & eBook)
Product ID : LAS9308PITF2
Explore the secrets of creating and managing multiple streams of passive income, enabling you to make money while you sleep.
Modern Podcasting [eBook & Videos]
Product ID : ABRC4572MPV1
Discover how you can plan for and create a successful podcast and make a profit from this often overlooked form of marketing.
Zoom Master [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : ABRC6528ZMV2
Discover how you can use the Zoom platform in myriad different ways to grow your business and reach a larger audience.
Simple Social Media Content - Video Course (PLR)
Product ID : LAS3261SSM2
Grab this video course and learn how to create super simple but engaging and powerful social media content within minutes.
Viking YouTube Marketing [PLR Video]
Product ID : ACRD9328VM2
Learn why you need some sort of presence on YouTube and discover how you can leverage YouTube marketing in your business.
The Journey To Top Blogger [Videos & eBook]
Product ID : ABSC1285TBV2
Learn how to successfully build a stunning, professional blog that can potentially make you a top player in any given niche.
Rapid Instagram Traffic - Video Course (PLR)
Product ID : ABSC6582RT3
Discover how you can build and grow a super targeted high-quality Instagram following to promote your products and services.
Instagram Profit Map - Video Course [PLR]
Product ID : ABSC9572GPM2
Discover how you can turn Instagram into a constant profit-pulling machine by building a brand people want to follow.
JVZoo Funnel Simplified - PLR Video Course
Product ID : ABSC3285JFS1
Learn how you can quickly and easily get your products & services up and running on JVzoo and setup a complete sales funnel.
Webinar Delivery Blueprint - Video Course (PLR)
Product ID : ABRS4217WDB2
Discover how you can quickly and easily get more people to buy your products and services after watching your webinars.
YouTube Celebrity - Videos & eBook
Product ID : ABRS1538YCV
Learn why YouTube stardom is a perfect way to make it big & how you can practically guarantee your success on this platform.
Bing To Win - Videos & eBook
Product ID : ABNZ6319BTV2
Learn how Bing Ads can do wonderful things for your business and send a huge amount of targeted traffic to your website.
Joint Venture Magnet - PLR Video Course
Product ID : ABRS9232JV6
Learn how to better prepare and better approach your joint venture or super affiliate partners to promote your products.
Periscope Marketing Excellence (Videos & eBook)
Product ID : ABRS1578PMV1
Learn how you can start generating a steady flow of targeted traffic with the power of live video streaming and Periscope.
Surefire Local Launchpad - PLR Video Series
Product ID : AZD1403LSE6
How to rise above the competition by offering services to local businesses and exploit the opportunities to your advantage.