Private Label (PLR) eBooks

Private Label Rights (PLR) ebooks or rebrandable ebooks are the hottest selling resale products on the internet today. With private label rights ebooks aka PLR ebooks, you have the ability to add yourself as the author (if you wish) and sell them. Good for creating backlinks to your website for free viral marketing.

Ezine Marketing Magic (PLR)
Product ID : PLR166
Now You Can Easily Earn A Lot Of Money With Your Very Own Publications, Once You Know These Secrets.
Mailing Lists Gold (PLR)
Product ID : MLG546
Discover How YOU Can Profit From Your Mailing List With Every Way Possible - From The Moment Your Subscriber Visits Your...
Lazy Man's Guide to Writing Articles (PLR)
Product ID : LMA438
Discover How To Write High Quality In Demand Articles So Quickly That You Could Churn Out 50 To 100 A Day Without Breaking...
Article Cash (PLR)
Product ID : ACX453
You are about to discover everything you need to know to pump out dozens of high quality articles full of informative and...
Leverage on Resell Rights (PLR)
Product ID : LOR387
Discover How YOU Can Increase Your eBook Upsells, Your Own Expert Status, Your Own Quality Leads, And Residual Income...
15 Day Resell Rights Success (PLR)
Product ID : RRS465
Transform Your Collection of Products with Resell Rights Into Income-Producing Assets That Puts Money Into YOUR Pocket In...
Writing For Fast Cash (PLR)
Product ID : PLR809422109
How would you like to learn to use the talent you already have within you to make extra bits of cash anytime you want to?
Finding and Obtaining Grant Money (PLR)
Product ID : GGR112
Each day over One Million Dollars in Free Government Grants is given away to people just like you for a wide variety of...
111 Egg Recipes (PLR)
Product ID : PLR7760894
Some really great egg recipes, many that you have never heard of. Menus for breakfast, and all other meals.