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Your Own Coaching and Counseling Business Professional Coaches and Consultants....Don't Wait Another Moment! Expand Your Business On The Web, Now! Milana Leshinsky Tells All! Learn How To Bring Your Professional Practice Online, Double Your Income and Create Passive Income With Milana Taking You Every Step Of The Way! Resale Rights Included
....that means you get to resell it hundreds of times after you buy it only ONCE! | "Ever wonder how someone "starts from nowhere" and very quickly makes a living online full-time? Then you must get this ebook! There are very few female success stories on the Internet, yet Milana Leshinsky has risen to the top of the Internet business community with a brilliant combination of technical expertise and marketing know-how. This ebook tells Milana's story in a captivating interview. You'll discover the secrets of Milana's success, and along the way you'll learn how to apply her pearls of wisdom in your own business." Wayne M. Davies |
It's time you knew about Milana Leshinsky, a coach for all coaches (that is, if you don't already!) . I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Milana... really grilling her, on all the super powerful advice she gives to the her clients every day. Milana's clients range in scope from writers, to executive business consultants, to success coaches and small business consultants. Service professionals who are coming onto the net to expand their businesses and reach a wider audience...and, yes! Earn a large income by doing so! Milana, herself, is a coaching and consulting professional with years of net experience. So, who better to teach, coach and guides others in the same line of work onto the web!. Oh wow! Honor, I really like all the questions you asked in this interview. They are direct and right to the point. I specifically like the part where Milana distinguished what's different between direct response marketing and attraction marketing. She also clarified for me what type of product I would consider as direct response marketing. For all of you who plan to create any type of subscription website and/or services that cost above $60.00 you really want to purchase this report. There is real distinction in marketing behavior between products and services. There are a whole lot more you covered but those above are real gems to me. Kim Thomas
"YES! You Can Expand Your Professional Coaching and Consulting Business On The Web!" is a audio ebook you can listen to and learn from while Milana unveils her secrets to her own rapid success on the net.
Listen to Milana's words of wisdom as she explains, in detail, the steps every service professional must take to get on the web and into profit in today's digital world! Read the interview transcript and be amazed at how a woman of determination and action quickly became so established and noted as an expert that people wereknocking down her cyber door to get her assistant and coaching!'ll get specific information and insight to bring YOUR professional coaching or consulting business online, today! Learn: The new strategies, technologies and marketing approaches that are specific to coaching and consulting professionals How to develop multiple streams of income from your own personal knowledge and expertise When to use Direct Response Marketing and when it's better to rely on Attraction/Relationship Marketing to woo the client and get the contract The one secret tool that you must use to help your potential client's get to know you and, then, be sure topick you as their coach or consultant! Important strategies for marketing your particular area of expertise and knowledge How to use joint ventures to increase your credibility and reach new and potential clients The basics of multiple web sites and single sites to sell your services and products Branding tactics and tips that make sure you are remembered on the web The one marketing technique that is natural for coaches and consultants to use to gain new clients How to use emerging web technologies to enhance your presence on the web The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Find out if you have what it takes! The one marketing strategy most coaches and consultants don't even know about!
Sit down, put on your headset to listen to Milana as she tells all about her success, her strategies and her drive to be a successful business woman on the net. Plus you can read the interview, word by word and thoroughly devour the rich and revealing information as it unfolds before your eyes on your computer screen. Heck, you can even print it out. Mark it up and make notes in the margins. It's your plan to follow to get yourself onto the web and become aglobal service provider!
This is what other's have to say about "YES! You Can Expand Your Professional Coaching and Consulting Business On The Web." Honor! What an encouraging interview! It's so interesting getting some insight into Milana's journey to success. Having understanding of the time, effort and energy it took to get to where she is really helps to remind me that successful internet marketing is a process, not just a destination. Excellent resources to look at for my own projects as well! This ebook sparked several ideas, one of which I was able to begin working on right away. Thanks for the "shove" in the right direction. Suzanne Knight I can't remember absorbing so much in-depth information all in one ebook! In this down-to-earth interview, Honor gets to the nitty-gritty with her questions -- and Milana provides the intimate details we usually don't get to hear. Thank you both for such an honest and straightforward resource! I appreciate not having to sift through the usual fluff. Honor's interview with Milana is inspiring and motivational. You will find yourself wanting to put all of her advice to work immediately. Solo professionals, (e.g., coaches and consultants), you will gain the necessary insight, information and tools to properly market your services and products just listening to this audio ebook. Sharon and Roy Montero
Milana provides excellent insight into developing your web site to achieve the greatest success with your target market & with the least effort and expense. Use Milana's tips and principals to drive true prospective clients to your site and more importantly to contact you for your online service. Bill Dueease
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