Easy RSS Profits (PLR)

Easy RSS Profits (PLR)
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Today's Lower Price: $3.00
Our Wholesale Price: $5.99
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Product ID : PLR2079
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File Size (Zipped): 1,388Kb
eBook Format: Adobe PDF, MS Word documents
System Requirements: Adobe Reader, MS Word (or Equivalent)
Number Pages: 29
Salespage: Included (see above screenshot)
Download Page: Included (see above screenshot)
Extra Pages: None
Included Graphics: JPG
Cover Graphics: Included
Salespage Header: Included
Salespage Footer: Included
Salespage Background: Included
Miscellaneous Graphics: Standard salespage graphics
Extras: None
Released/Circulated: 2006-2009
Suggested Retail Price: $27.00 USD


Product Summary:

You already know starting your own blog can catapult your business' success. Here's what else you'll learn in my exclusive report...

  • Why everyday Internet users are falling in love with RSS Feeds.

  • 6 places to find popular examples of RSS feeds right away.

  • How to instantly tell if a site offers RSS feeds.

  • What the heck is an RSS aggregator? And why do I need to know where to find one (for free).

  • 3 reasons why RSS feeds are user friendly and the way of the future.

  • 10 reasons why it's easier to deliver content with RSS feeds.

  • 4 reasons why you cant pass up adding RSS feeds to your business plan (if you want to stay competitive).

  • 6 ways to cash-in with RSS feeds

  • How to create RSS feeds from scratch (or with software that makes the process easy as pie).

  • 6 tips you must follow to have a successful RSS feed.

  • Why adding an RSS Feed to your website will give you instant credibility in the eyes of your customers.

  • How hosting an RSS Feed will automatically push you up the search engine rankings.

  • How to add an RSS feed to your website (and 3 other ways to promote your RSS Feed.)


Distribution Rights:
YES Sell Private Label Rights
YES Claim Full Copyright
YES Sell Master Resale Rights
YES Edit/Alter the Sales Materials
YES Added to Paid Membership Sites
NO Added to Free Membership Sites
YES Can be Broken Down Into Articles
YES Can be Packaged with Other Products
NO Sell at Auction Sites
NO Offered Through Dime Sale Events
YES Offered as Free Bonus
NO Given Away for Free


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