It's You... Live

It's You... Live
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Today's Lower Price: $2.50
Our Wholesale Price: $4.99
You Save: $2.49
Product ID : IYL760
Author/Creator: Doug Champigny
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File Size (Zipped):739Kb
eBook Format:Adobe PDF
System Requirements:Adobe Reader
Number Pages:46
Salespage:Included (see above screenshot)
Download Page:Not Included
Extra Pages:None
Included Graphics:JPG
Cover Graphics:Included - JPG
Salespage Header:Included - JPG
Salespage Footer:Included - JPG
Salespage Background:Included - JPG
Miscellaneous Graphics:Standard salespage graphics
Suggested Retail Price:$47.00 USD

Product Summary:

In this ground-breaking book you're about to download, you'll learn everything you need to know to quickly, easily and inexpensively get set up for podcasting & vlogging and even begin broadcasting your message today if you like! No fluff-filled 6-pager, this amazing resource is packed with over 40 pages of solid content including...

Podcasting & Vlogging Basics:

  • What are Podcasting & Video Blogging?

  • What is the Difference between them?

  • What is RSS?

  • What is the Purpose?

  • Your Basic Action List

Start Podcasting:

  • The Podcasting Tools You Need

  • Writing & Planning Your Podcast Content

  • Recording Your Podcast

  • Editing Your Podcast

  • Using ID3 Tags for Your Podcast

  • Hosting Your Podcast

  • Uploading Your Podcast

  • Podcast Promotion

  • Podcasting Action List

Start Video Blogging:

  • The Video Tools You Need

  • Selecting Your Blog Host and Domain

  • Planning Your Video

  • Shooting Your Video

  • Editing Your Video

  • File Format Selection and Uploading

  • Promoting Your Video Blog

  • Video Blogging Action List



Resale Distribution Rights:
YESSell Master Resale Rights (No PLR)
YESEdit/Alter the Sales Materials (text only)
YESAdded to Paid Membership Sites
NOAdded to Free Membership Sites
YESCan be Packaged with Other Products
NOSell at Auction Sites (Physical Product)
YESOffered as Free Bonus
YESCan be sold in Dime Sale Events
NOGiven Away for Free

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