Health & Beauty

Product IDProduct Name Price  
Animal Assisted Therapy (PLR)
Find out how animal-assisted therapy or pet therapy is changing lives and healing people, and how you can benefit from this.
Hypnotherapy Superpack
Through hypnotherapy, it is possible to change how the subconscious mind manifests itself in conscious thought.
The 7 Keys To Body Transformation (PLR)
Achieve your dream body. Discover exactly how 7 simple changes in your lifestyle can transform your body and your life.
Plyometrics Fitness Adrenaline
Learn how jumping (Plyometrics) and inducing right amount of adrenaline can help you achieve a slimmer, fitter body.
Mediterranean Diet Meltdown
Melt the fat away with Mediterranean diet. Discover how Mediterranean diet can help you have great health and enjoy life.
Stress Soothers (Exercises)
Cope with stress more effectively. Learn the tips and tricks of using exercise to beat stress.
Living Life The Paleo Way (PLR eBook)
Lose fat forever by following Paleo diet. Learn the secrets that our Paleolithic ancestors knew to maintain a fit body.
Stress And Students
School can be quite stressful with all the pressure and deadlines that there are on a daily basis. Learn how to cope with it.
Mass Muscle Building In Minutes
Build muscles in minutes. The best way to get big fast is to actually train much less, but with total effort and focus.