Carb Cycling For Weight Loss [Videos & eBook]

Carb Cycling For Weight Loss [Videos & eBook]
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  • Download File Size - 412 MB
  • Video Format - MP4
  • Viewing Requirements - Any Video Player
  • Audio Format - MP3
  • Number of Videos / Audios - 12
  • eBook Format - PDF
  • Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
  • Number of Pages - 81
  • Release Date - 2020
  • Suggested Retail Price - 21.35

Product Summary

Let's take a closer look at what carb cycling is all about & how it can be the weight loss solution you've been looking for.

Carb cycling relies on increasing and decreasing carbohydrate intake on different days of the week. There are high-carb days and low-carb days as well as days on which no carbs are eaten at all. When you try carb cycling, you can eat carbohydrates if they're from a clean source. The cycling allows the body to use fat more effectively as a fuel instead of burning muscle tissue and carbs.

When you embark on a carb-cycling regime, you can reduce body fat while increasing muscle mass. It's an extremely rigorous diet so it should only be used in the short-term. However, it is useful for breaking through weight-loss plateaus...

Some experts suggest that carb cycling is especially beneficial for anyone who needs to lose weight. In theory, this way of eating can help you to maintain your physical performance. It also provides many of the identical benefits offered by low-carb diets such as the Atkins regime. These kinds of diets can leave dieters feeling lethargic and weak. Therefore, carb cycling offers a clear advantage...

Carb cycling is ideal for anyone who knows what they want to achieve from their diet. There are a few things you need to do before you get started though. You'll need to know your maintenance caloric intake. This will be based on your activity level, gender, age, and height. When you have this figure, you need to pair it with your desired outcome. It's then relatively simple to work out the right plan for you.

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or both, carb cycling could be ideal for you. If you've recently lost weight and want to maintain it, it's also useful for you. You simply need to select the right carb cycling plan to suit your schedule. Align your high and low carb days with your activity level and physique goals. You can then use the information provided in this guide to choose suitable foods for you.

What You'll Learn
  • Benefits Of Carb Cycling
  • Do You Need To Lose Weight
  • Are You A Bodybuilder
  • What Does Carb Cycling Involve
  • Carb Cycling - The Basics
  • Is Carb Cycling The Same As Keto
  • What Does A Carb Cycling Diet Look Like
  • What Can You Eat On A High Carb Day
  • What Do You Eat On A Low Carb Day
  • How A Week-Long Carb Cycling Plan Look Like
  • How Can Carb Cycling Help With Weight Loss
  • Are There Other Benefits To Carb Cycling
  • Things To Remember About Carb Cycling
  • How To Get It Right For You
  • Calories And Protein
  • Types Of Carb Cycling
  • Foods Good On A Carb Cycling Regime
  • What Are Good Carbs
  • Good Fats And Proteins
  • Sample Carb Cycling Programs
  • How Do I Get Started With Carb Cycling
  • And Much More!


Product Summary - Videos

Carb Cycling is not just another fad diet. It is used by many top athletes & bodybuilders to get in their best physical condition fast.

Although the idea of carb cycling is appealing, it's difficult to know how to get started. This way of eating can be quite complex. Therefore, you need to know as much as possible about carbohydrates and how they work in the body. You also need to understand how to choose the right carb cycling plan for you...

Carb cycling can help with weight loss by maximizing how the body uses fuel. When you adopt this diet, you eat fewer carbs for two days then have a day of eating more carbs. How you alternate between high and low carb days varies depending on how much activity you're doing. You benefit from the carb fuel you get on the days when you're working out. Meanwhile, you benefit from low carbs if you're not active.

As you work out, the body dips into its carbohydrate stores to find energy. This means you should align high carb days with training days. This means your body can use the fuel to its best advantage. It also means that the additional energy allows you to work out for longer. You'll therefore burn more calories as a result. On rest days, carbs can be scaled back. This will reduce the number of empty calories you consume and help you lose weight...

If you're doing high energy workouts like interval training, long-distance running or sprints, you can add in more carbs. These should take the right form though. You shouldn't be adding donuts or cake into your regime! Instead, you should give yourself an additional serving of legumes, fruits or whole grains.

The latter are all complex carbs. This means they break down more slowly for a slower release of energy. Simple carbs like sugary cookies and candies break down quickly. This means that you get a super-fast energy rush followed by a crash. You should primarily eat complex carbohydrates on a carb cycling regime...

Get these 12 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll show you how you how carb cycling works and how it can help you lose weight and get in shape in a safe and controlled manner.


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  • Notable Reseller Extras - Mindmap, Checklist, Graphics Pack, Email

Reseller Tools - Video

  • Includes Sales Page - Yes (upsell page)
  • Includes Download Page - Yes
  • Other Included Pages - Video Upsell Page, Presentations
  • Notable Reseller Extras - Mp3 Audio Files (12 Files)

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  • Resale Rights - Yes
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  • Full Product Copyrights - No
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