Green Smoothie Lifestyle

Green Smoothie Lifestyle
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  • Download File Size - 7.76 MB
  • eBook Format - PDF
  • Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
  • Number of Pages - 48
  • Release Date - 2016
  • Suggested Retail Price - $13.75

Product Summary

If you want to find yourself in the pink of health and vitality, green smoothies can be a great shortcut to that.

Today, more than ever, one needs to focus on his or her health and well-being. It is crucial. Our lives are filled with deadlines, meetings, work demands and stress. The food we eat is high in calories but low in nutrients. High carbohydrate meals, oily and fatty foods, processed foods, junk food, etc. wreak havoc on our health and bodies. It happens slowly but surely.

Therein lies the problem. People do not feel the impact of their poor choices till health problems occur much later on. By then, it can be too late. High cholesterol levels, diabetes, blood pressure issues and countless other health problems are often a direct result of poor eating and a sedentary lifestyle.

The food they're eating is high in processed ingredients, additives, etc. While it may fill the stomach, these are empty calories that lack the nutrients the body needs. As a result, the body craves more food to compensate for the lack of ingredients. So, people eat more, get obese and stay unhealthy.

Green smoothies are packed with micronutrients that the body craves. You would be surprised to learn that a single glass of green vegetable juice, full of good nutrients that the body craves, is more beneficial than an entire meal at a swanky restaurant...

While you may not notice a change overnight, as you consume green smoothies over a period of two or three weeks, you'll notice that you have more energy and a better outlook in general. You will have more vitality and zest for life. You won't be able to explain why but rest assured that the green smoothies are making a difference.

Our bodies require nutrients from food. That is true. However, there is a severe dearth of good nutrients in the food we consume these days. That is why people never feel satiated and constantly keep eating.

What You'll Learn
  • Introduction
  • Why Greens?
  • Benefits Of Green Smoothies
  • What Are The Best Greens You Should Use
  • Other Beneficial Greens To Look At
  • Are Some Greens Better Than Others?
  • What Are Smoothies And How Do You Make One
  • Are Smoothies Safe?
  • What Are The Common Mistakes To Avoid?
  • Not Rotating The Greens
  • Not Checking For Allergies
  • Focusing On Fruits Instead Of Veggies
  • Not Keeping Things Natural
  • Not Using A Good Blender
  • Not Using Proper Recipes
  • 7 Healthy And Yummy Smoothie Recipes
  • Orange Spinach Surprise
  • Green Avocado Smoothie
  • Green Detox Smoothie
  • Romaine Lettuce Smoothie
  • Kale Kissed By Ginger Smoothie
  • Kool Kiwi Spinach Smoothie
  • Tropical Smoothie Dream
  • Making Smoothies A Part Of Your Life
  • And Much More!


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  • Notable Reseller Extras - Keywords, Emails, Free Articles

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  • Resale Rights - Yes
  • Master Resale Rights - Yes
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