Quilting, Dress Making and the Like

Spinning and Weaving (PLR)
The Ultimate Guide to Home Spinning & Weaving!
Dress Making (PLR)
Discover The Beginners Guide to Making Your Own Dress.
Crocheting for Fun and Profit (PLR)
Getting started on crocheting is not that difficult and it doesn't matter if you have never clustered stitch before...
Quilting Revelead 101 (PLR)
Get off to a fast start with quilting...don't waste time and money on books and tutorials that just don't deliver the full...
Crocheting Made Easy (PLR)
It doesn't matter if you've never crocheted a day in your life, or your the most talented person in the world... This...
Irish Crochet
Bring back a dying art while providing wonderful crocheted pieces for pleasure and profit.
Vintage Crochet Patterns
20 Wonderful Vintage Crochet Patterns!