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Product ID : ABSC3259MV21
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- Download File Size - 291 MB
- Video Format - MP4
- Viewing Requirements - Any Video Player
- Audio Format - MP3
- Number of Videos / Audios - 10
- eBook Format - PDF
- Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
- Number of Pages - 103
- Release Date - 2017
- Suggested Retail Price - 20.49
Product Summary
Discover how you can go about changing your mindset and using your brain to its fullest potential to get anything in life.
Your brain is an unfathomably powerful machine, capable of incredible things. It really does have the capability to help you get
what you want from life and so much more.
But the problem is that most of us have no idea how to use it. This
is not only a very powerful machine but also an impossibly complex one. And it doesn't come with an instruction manual.
The result is that we often seem at odds with our brains. We want
to do one thing, but our brain seems to want to do another. We
want to focus on work and get lots done, but our brain just wants
to eat cake. We want to be creative and come up with amazing
ideas, but our brain draws a blank...
Everything in life is dependent on numerous other factors.
Whether you're talking about relationships, about your career or
about your financial situation. How can you find your dream job
when you don't have the option to leave your current job? When
you're so broke?
Making excuses is easy but it doesn't get anywhere. The reality is
that people have dug themselves out of holes much deeper than
the one you're in right now - I don't care who you are - and they
have come out richer, happier and stronger...
A lack of control over our brains leaves us completely at the
whims of our biology and means that it becomes very hard for us
to set goals and stick to them. We end up floundering rather than
being able to go after the things we want and it all results in us
being less happy and less successful.
So how do you change all that? How do you take back control
and harness that mind power? In this guide, you'll learn precisely
how to do that and how to get your mind to work for you and not
against you.
What You'll Learn
- It All Starts With Your Mind
- Mindset And Emotions
- How To Control Your State Of Mind
- Unlimited Strength & Perfect Focus
- Incredible Creativity & Social Skills
- Taking Control - Mindset And Focus
- How To Control Your Attention
- The Neuroscience Of Attention
- Putting Science Into Action
- Entering A Flow State
- Mindset And Wealth
- How To Grow Your Wealth
- Wealth And Your Career
- Setting Up Revenue Streams
- Mindset And Business
- Achieve Success In Your Ventures
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- Why Passion Is Crucial For Success
- Presenting The Image
- Mindset And Goals
- How To Set Plan & Achieve Your Goals
- Wait A Goal Can Be Bad?
- How To Take Action
- Changing Your Thinking
- Mindset And Body
- Body Follows Where The Mind Goes
- KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
- Goal Setting And Energy
- Mindset And Your Life
- How To Live An Amazing Life
- What Are Your Priorities?
- Lifestyle Design
- It Starts With Everything
- And Much More!
Product Summary - Videos
Unlock the true potential of the brain and see just how much potential you've been missing out on!
Change has to start somewhere. And it starts with you. It
starts with your mind. But how exactly do you go about
changing your mindset? How do you take back control, reclaim
your happiness and start living a fulfilling and inspiring life again?
The thing to do is to diagnose the problem. What exactly is wrong
with your mind to begin with? And how can you fix those issues? Well, not to alarm you, but there's probably a lot wrong with your
mind. Don't worry though: it's fairly common and it's very much a
sign of the times.
I can guess that you aren't completely happy with where you are
right now. Maybe you don't like who you are right now. I know this
because you're reading this book. If what you're doing right now is working for you then great! But if
it's not, or if it could be working better, then something needs to
So as you start to put the emphasis a bit more back onto you. As
you start to focus on your goals and on the things that make you
happy, you can also look at how you can ensure you are charged
and able to get the very most out of life.
Get these 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll show you how to attract more wealth, become healthier, control your emotions, achieve success in your business and accomplish any goals your set.
Reseller Tools
- Includes Sales Page - Yes
- Includes Download Page - Yes
- Other Included Pages - Opt-in Page, Resource Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Check List
- Notable Reseller Extras - Articles, Graphics, Social Media Images, Email Swipes
Reseller Tools - Video
- Includes Sales Page - Yes (upsell page)
- Includes Download Page - Yes
- Other Included Pages - Autoresponder, Affiliate Toolbox, Keywords, Social Media Swipe Kit
- Notable Reseller Extras - Giveaway Report, Graphics, Audio Files (Mp3), Feature Images
Distribution Rights
- Resale Rights - Yes
- Master Resale Rights - Yes
- Private Label Rights - No
- Giveaway Rights - No
- Offered as a Bonus - Yes
- Full Product Copyrights - No
- Full Graphic Copyrights - No
- May Modify Product - Yes (Sales Page only)
- Packaged with Other Products - Yes
- Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
- Added to Free Membership Websites - No
- May Publish Offline - No
- May Sell on Auction Websites - No
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