Private Label (PLR) eBooks

Private Label Rights (PLR) ebooks or rebrandable ebooks are the hottest selling resale products on the internet today. With private label rights ebooks aka PLR ebooks, you have the ability to add yourself as the author (if you wish) and sell them. Good for creating backlinks to your website for free viral marketing.

11 Steps to Subscription Success (PLR)
11 Simple Steps To Launching A Wildly Profitable Membership Site On The Internet?
111 Egg Recipes (PLR)
Some really great egg recipes, many that you have never heard of. Menus for breakfast, and all other meals.
15 Day Resell Rights Success (PLR)
Transform Your Collection of Products with Resell Rights Into Income-Producing Assets That Puts Money Into YOUR Pocket In...
15 Top Ways to Save Money (PLR)
Can you spend wisely and have more savings? Yes, you can. But, you need to train yourself to be a disciplined buyer and...
20 Surefire Techniques (PLR)
20 Surefire Techniques To Insure Your Website Explodes!
37 Best List Building Secrets Exposed (PLR)
37 Of The Hottest Most Profitable Opt-in List Building Secrets - Uncovered And Revealed.
4,961 Marketing Words & Phrases (PLR)
4,961 Internet Marketing Words And Phrases That Sell Like CRAZY!
50 Things the Most Successful People Have in Common (PLR)
50 Things The Most Successful Business People Have In Common - And How You Can Begin To Emulate Them In Just 5 Minutes.
Activities for Young Adults (PLR)
Discover some great activity tips for the young adult in you!