Private Label (PLR) eBooks

Private Label Rights (PLR) ebooks or rebrandable ebooks are the hottest selling resale products on the internet today. With private label rights ebooks aka PLR ebooks, you have the ability to add yourself as the author (if you wish) and sell them. Good for creating backlinks to your website for free viral marketing.

Delicious Venison Recipes (PLR)
150 Delicious Venison Recipes will enable you to get the best possible taste and the most use from your venison.
Christmas Cookie Recipes (PLR)
This delectable Christmas cookie cookbook is packed with over more than four hundred recipes for colossal cookie creations.
Recipes for the Deep Fryer (PLR)
101 Recipes For The Deep Fryer will acquaint you with great recipes for cooking in a deep fryer.
Mouth Watering Apple Recipes (PLR)
85 delicious recipes made with the main ingredient being apples.
Delicious Diabetic Recipes (PLR)
Millions of people have Diabetes and have to maintain a special Diet. But this doesn't mean you can't enjoy the things you...
Delicious Jerky Recipes (PLR)
Now you can have the best jerky recipes at your fingertips with 100 Delicious Jerky Recipes!
Delicious Orange Recipes (PLR)
A collection of delicious recipes that can be made from fresh oranges, including punch recipes, desert recipes, candies,...
Delicious Soup Recipes (PLR)
Some great soup recipes, many that you may not know about.
Fish Recipes (PLR)
Collection of Fish and Shell-Fish Recipes!