Money Borrowing Related eBooks

Foreclosures Demystified (PLR)
Don't be intimidated by forclosure, get the faacts and save your home.
Student Loans Exposed
All The Little Known Facts Pertaining To Student Loans And What You Need To Know About Them!
Student Loans Report Pack (PLR)
Three private label expert reports on how to handle student loans without going broke, or ruining your credit score.
Student Loans 101
Financial Help Is Available, But You Need To Know Where To Begin!
Financing Your Education (PLR)
How should you pay for your education or your child's or spouse's education?
Found Money (PLR)
101 Ways To Find Needed Cash When You're Living Paycheck To Paycheck, Strapped For Funds, And Don't Know Who To Turn To
The Borrower's Bible (PLR)
Borrow money you don't need to repay. Amazing but true!