Online eCourses

Online ecourses are mini training courses that usually can be run for 5-7 days and you can offer these courses to your website visitors, or potential customers. These courses are great tools for traffic generation, and list building, and also come with either resale rights, master resale rights, or private label rights. Use them, and sell them. You keep 100% of the profits.

Twitter Crash Course - eCourse (PLR)
Body Language Basics - ecourse (PLR)
Online Dating eCourse
Affiliate Marketing Profits - eCourse (PLR)
Product Creation Crash Course - eCourse (PLR)
Turning Browsers Into Buyers - 5 Day eCourse (PLR)
Super Simple Money Saving Tips - ecourse (PLR)
Successful Career Change Tactics Revelead (PLR)
Running a Safe Online Business - eCourse (PLR)