Recipes and Cooking

These are cook books and recipe books for everything from main course to dishes from around the world. Many of these are recipes are taken from the public domain and are compiled into ebook format.

Delicious Jerky Recipes (PLR)
Now you can have the best jerky recipes at your fingertips with 100 Delicious Jerky Recipes!
Delicious Puddings (PLR)
Collection of 167 Pudding Recipes.
Delicious Soup Recipes (PLR)
Some great soup recipes, many that you may not know about.
Essentials of Cookery - Cereals, Breads, and Hot Breads (PLR)
Always wanted to know the role of cereals in breadmaking? Here are the best information on how to turn cereals into...
Home Vegetable Gardening (PLR)
No patch of land is too tiny to create a superb home vegetable garden. And Home Vegetable Gardening is the perfect book to...
Lip-Smacking Jam Recipes
120 Lip-Smacking Good Jam Recipes is full of easy to make recipes for preserves as well as a section covering the basics...
Making Soaps and Candles
How to make pampering products that will delight customers, pamper your skin and prove to be more profitable than you...
Masterpiece Culinary Delights (PLR)
A great chef is like an artist using their inspiration and talents to create masterpieces in food. In Culinary Delights...
Mouth Watering Apple Recipes (PLR)
85 delicious recipes made with the main ingredient being apples.