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Product ID : ABRC5284MPE1
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- Download File Size - 63.70 MB
- eBook Format - PDF
- Reading Requirements - Any PDF reader
- Number of Pages - 53
- Release Date - 2017
- Suggested Retail Price - $10.25
Product Summary
Fruits and vegetables have been there all along. Understand how to make the most of them, and you can change your life.
Even if you got most of these things right, the truth is that our
modern lifestyles are just absolutely terrible for our health. This is
true right down to the fact that most of us are too comfortable -
we have become adapted to a comfortable, domesticated
lifestyle, and therefore our bodies have forgotten how to deal with
stress or difficulty.
Take going outdoors for instance. Most of us just don't do this
enough, which means that we aren't getting the important
stimulus of sunlight, which helps to encourage the body to
produce vitamin D, which in turn regulates things like hormone
production, sleep, mood... even appetite! Without that important
input our body loses some of its natural rhythm and certain processes are
Well, it's all very good and well me telling you that you should be
working out throughout the day, and that you should be eating
perfectly, and that you should be taking long swims in freezing
cold water in the morning. Problem is, we don't have time for that and our bodies are now so
maladapted that they wouldn't handle it...
What many people don't realize is that we literally are what we
eat. Which is why the best place to start is by fixing one of the biggest
issues with modern life. That is: the lack of micronutrients.
Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids,
antioxidants, and other active ingredients in our food that our
body uses for a wide variety of different purposes.
What You'll Learn
- Why Vitamins And Minerals Are The Answer
- Starting With Vegetables And Fruits Is The Solution
- Amazing Superfood For Mood, Energy, Beauty, And More
- An Introduction To Vitamins & Minerals
- Fat Soluble Vitamins & Water Soluble Vitamins
- Other Amazing Nutrients In Fruits And Vegetables
- Other Essential Micronutrients
- Fruits And Vegetables For Athletic Performance
- Fruits And Vegetables To Improve Athletic Performance
- Broccoli And Leafy Greens For Beauty And Pregnancy
- Cayenne Pepper For Weight Loss, Testosterone And More
- Elderberry For Inflammation
- How Antioxidants Help You To Live Longer
- Fruits And Vegetables To Improve Your Health
- How Many Fruits And Vegetables Do You Need Really
- Dangers Of Too Many Fruits And Vegetables
- Creating A Diet Rich In Fruits And Vegetables
- The Strategy: The Aim Is Variety
- How To Increase The Variety Of Fruits & Vegetables
- What About Multivitamin Supplements
- Your Blueprint For Greater Health
- And Much More!
Reseller Tools
- Includes Sales Page - Yes
- Includes Download Page - Yes
- Other Included Pages - Opt-in Page, Resource Report, Cheat Sheet, Mindmap
- Notable Reseller Extras - Graphics, Checklist, Email Swipes, Social Media Images
Distribution Rights
- Resale Rights - Yes
- Master Resale Rights - Yes
- Private Label Rights - No
- Giveaway Rights - No
- Offered as a Bonus - Yes
- Full Product Copyrights - No
- Full Graphic Copyrights - No
- May Modify Product - Yes (Sales Page only)
- Packaged with Other Products - Yes
- Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
- Added to Free Membership Websites - No
- May Publish Offline - No
- May Sell on Auction Websites - No
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