Employment & Career Related eBooks

All About Massage Therapy (PLR)
Want to be a professional massage therapist? Here are some tips and need to knows before you get started.
100 Cover Letter Tips (PLR)
All About Dental Assisting (PLR)
Learn all you need to know before becoming a dental assistant.
Film Directing for Newbies (PLR)
Form pre-production, to final editing, this ebook will teach you everything about making your first film.
Learn to Fly (PLR)
Learn everything you need to know about getting your pilots license.
Bounty Hunter Cash
How To Quickly And Easily Become A Bounty Hunter...No Matter What Level Of Experience You Have.
Wedding Planning Revealed - eBook and Audio (PLR)
Discover these Little-Known Insider Secrets to Creating Your Own $100,000+ Per Year Career Planning Weddings.
Uncover the Secrets of Successful Sales (PLR)
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on the foundations of success and skill in sales does...
Personal Brilliance (PLR)
Always wanted to have a great career but didn't know how to do it? Discover some great information about personal brilliance!
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