Health & Beauty

Living Life The Paleo Way (PLR eBook)
Lose fat forever by following Paleo diet. Learn the secrets that our Paleolithic ancestors knew to maintain a fit body.
Stress Soothers (Exercises)
Cope with stress more effectively. Learn the tips and tricks of using exercise to beat stress.
Stress Overload
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to manage your stress effectively and not get overloaded with it? Thankfully, it is possible.
How To Cure Yeast Infection
Learn facts about yeast infection and educate youself on how you can calmly test, diagnose and treat yeast infection at home.
25 Diabetes & Arthritis Articles (PLR)
25 high quality PLR articles on diabetes & arthritis. September 2013. All with unrestricted Private Label Rights.
Plyometrics Fitness Adrenaline
Learn how jumping (Plyometrics) and inducing right amount of adrenaline can help you achieve a slimmer, fitter body.
The Power of Meditation
Discover the power of meditation and how it can work for you to increase your success in your personal and work life.
Stress At Work
This is your guide to less stress on the job. Learn how to manage stress at work and save yourself from total destruction.
Mediterranean Diet Meltdown
Melt the fat away with Mediterranean diet. Discover how Mediterranean diet can help you have great health and enjoy life.